L and A (couple wishes to remain anonymous) didn’t start their fertility journey with HRC. In fact, they didn’t even know HRC or Dr. Robert Boostanfar existed when they started trying to conceive.
“We started this journey with another clinic that was more like a mill,” L recalled. “It seemed like there were extra tests that weren’t really necessary. Also, they didn’t really share information with us. We’re pretty well educated, so it’s not like we didn’t understand the medical terminology. But it was like pulling teeth to get information out of them. It seemed like all they wanted to do was take our money.”
One of the couple’s biggest frustrations was the communication between the clinic and the couple regarding their case. She described how the first clinic wouldn’t even tell them why they should do a specific test.
“It was like, ‘you need to do this, this and this’ with no reasons given. After doing our own research, we discovered those tests weren’t even necessary. It was just another way of getting money, an even bigger financial burden.”
The couple knew it was time to find another clinic, and discovered HRC. Once they became patients at HRC, they felt they were much better informed, even when the news wasn’t good.
On their first cycle, they chose to quit halfway through because Laura’s ovaries weren’t preparing enough eggs for the cycle.
After a couple of months, they started a second IVF cycle. Seven eggs were successfully retrieved and they ended up with three viable embryos. L and A needed to decided on how many to transfer. They learned that there were pros and cons to either transferring too few or too many embryos.
The important thing was that they knew all of their options. Part of the reason L and A felt comfortable making their decision is that they felt HRC was very informative, giving them both the best and worst case scenarios. Also, Dr Boostanfar was great at mapping out all the possibilities so they could make the best decision possible.
“We were very happy with HRC the entire time,” said L. “We knew all the possibilities and we ended up with the best case scenario–beautiful twins.”